How to set a billing limit on your account
All MailerSend subscriptions include a set email allowance (and for paid plans, SMS). Hobby plans include up to 3,000 emails per month, while Starter and Professional plans include 50,000 emails or more each month, depending on the size of your plan.
If you're account goes over this limit within a billing period, emails will continue to be sent at a metered rate per 1,000 additional emails. For Hobby plans, the price is $1.00 per 1,000 emails; for Starter plans, the price starts at $0.95 per 1,000 emails; and for Professional plans, the price starts at $0.80 per 1,000 emails. The cost per 1,000 emails decreases depending on your plan size.
You can set a limit on how many additional emails or SMSes over your plan's limit you authorize your account to send, giving you more control over your account expenditure. If you reach the billing limit, your transactional messages will stop sending until your next billing period begins and your limits are reset. If you wish for your messages to continue being sent without interruption, it is recommended that you do not set a billing limit.
Check our plans and pricing to see if a larger plan size would better suit your needs.
How to set a billing limit
1. From the Dashboard, go to Plan and billing.
2. In the Your plan tab, go to the Usage section and click Set billing limit for Emails or SMS.
3. Choose the limit for how many emails or SMSes you authorize your account to send over your monthly plan limit. The additional cost will be automatically calculated.

4. Click Set billing limit.
The new billing limit will now be applied to your account.
Need more info?
Feel free to reach out to A member of our support team will gladly assist you.
- Getting started
- Sending domains
- Managing API tokens
- Domain tracking options
- How to add a domain space to your account
- SMTP relay
- Webhooks
- Inbound routing
- Templates
- How to add a survey to your emails
- Email tagging
- File manager
- Email and recipient activity
- Analytics
- Split Testing
- How to use personalization in emails
- How to use the MailerSend iOS app
- Schedule bulk emails with the bulk endpoint
- Ensuring secure SMS communication: Verification and usage limits
- SMS: How to handle opt-in and opt-out
- Custom headers
- Upcoming changes to TLS Protocol support
- How to request a dedicated IP
- Deliverability
- Account settings
- Billing
- Integrations